Note: Attached is the English version of the CV (英文版个人简历附后).

1. 国家自然科学基金(面上):基于猪肺细胞图谱和CRISPR/Cas9遗传筛选的G.parasuis原发性侵染分子机制研究(32172712),2022-2025,58万
2. 国家自然科学基金(青年):猪ABCA1介导的巨噬细胞替代激活调控副猪嗜血杆菌感染的分子机制(31301939),2014-2016,24万
3. 湖北省重点研发计划项目:良种肉牛高效繁育关键技术研发(2022BBA007),2022-2024, 100万
4. 湖北省知识创新专项(自然科学基金)项目(面上):猪‘MΦCD163+-γδT’免疫轴介导副猪嗜血杆菌感染的分子机制研究(2018CFB535),2018-2019,5万
5. 湖北省自然科学基金(青年):猪ABCA1调控巨噬细胞替代激活的分子机制研究(2013CFB324),2014-2015,3万
6. 武汉市生物育种关键技术攻关及新品种培育科技重大专项:生猪高效育种关键技术攻关与快长、高繁、优质种猪本土化选育(2022021302024853,子课题),2022-2025,70万
7. 武汉市应用基础前沿项目:副猪嗜血杆菌感染的靶细胞图谱构建及猪分子标志基因挖掘(2019020701011494),2019-2022,50万
8. 武汉市应用基础研究计划项目:副猪嗜血杆菌感染的猪遗传抗性机理研究及应用于抗病新品系培育的基因筛选(2013020501010178),2013-2014,15万
9. 百校联百县-高校服务乡村振兴科技支撑行动计划:生猪繁育技术创新与高效健康养殖(BXLBX0494),2021-2026,后补助
10. 动物胚胎工程及分子育种湖北省重点实验室开放课题:副猪嗜血杆菌感染早期猪关键功能基因发掘与作用机制研究(KLAEMB-2020-03),2020-2022,4万
11. 湖北省教育厅科学研究计划中青年人才项目:H.parasuis诱导猪肺部巨噬细胞经典/替代激活的塑性特征及其分子调控机制(Q20161710),2016-2017,2万
12. 武汉轻工大学引进(培养)人才科研启动项目:RNAi抑制猪S100A8基因对H.parasuis感染后细胞内炎症信号通路的影响(2012RZ04),2012-2014,4万
1. 2016/12,湖北省技术发明奖一等奖(优质健康猪重要候选基因挖掘、分子育种标记开发与应用,2016F-035-1-012-001)
1. 陈洪波等,与中国南方荷斯坦奶牛乳脂率相关的SNP标记及其应用,202110118706.8(公开)
2. 陈洪波等,一种奶牛早期胚胎滋养层组织的获得方法,ZL201710846496.8
3. 陈洪波等,一种副猪嗜血杆菌感染仔猪模型的构建方法,ZL201510011558.4
赵书红(主编),副主编:刘小磊,唐中林,陈洪波,马继登,等. 猪重要性状的组学遗传基础与改良[农业重大科学研究成果专著]. 科学出版社,北京:2023 (ISBN:978-7-03-074178-3)
1. Deng X, Li S, Zhu Y, Yu B, Zhang J, Fang Q, Li Z, Chen H*, Zhou H*. Assessment of the macrophage scavenger receptor CD163 in mediating Glaesserella parasuis infection of host cells. Veterinary Sciences.10(3):235, 2023
2. Zhou A, Zhang W, Wang B, Dong X, Zhang J, Chen H*. Knockout of Noxa with CRISPR/Cas9 increases host resistance to influenza virus infection. Cellular Microbiology.vol. 2023:Article ID 3877614, 2023.
3. Chen H, Yu B, Liu C, Cheng L*, Yu J, Hu X, Xiang M. Hematology Reference Intervals for Holstein Cows in Southern China: A Study of 786 Subjects. Veterinary Sciences. 9(10):565, 2022
4. Zhang S, Yu B, Liu Q, Zhang Y, Zhu M, Shi L*, Chen H*. Assessment of Hematologic and Biochemical Parameters for Healthy Commercial Pigs in China. Animals. 12: 2464, 2022
5. 刘正芳,朱颖,张烁,刘青,张晶,周焕焕,周傲,史良玉*,陈洪波*. 副猪嗜血杆菌感染禁食初乳 CD 仔猪模型及感染相关表型组构建. 中国畜牧兽医. 58(8):125-135, 2022
6. Chen H, Liu C, Xiang M, Yu J, Xia Y, Hu X, Wang D, Tao B, Zhang Y, Cheng L. Contribution of the mutation rs8193069 in TLR4 to mastitis resistance and performance in Holstein cows in southern China. Vet. Med. Sci. 8(1):357-366, 2022
7. 王柳,张泽锴,周焕焕,周傲,张晶,陈洪波*. 猪CD163瞬时转染CHO-K1超表达细胞模型的构建及鉴定. 武汉轻工大学学报. 40(2):1-7, 2021
8. Cheng L, Yu J, Hu X, Xiang M, Xia Y, Tao B, Du X, Wang D, Zhao S*, Chen H*. Identification of reliable reference genes for expression studies in maternal reproductive tissues and foetal tissues of pregnant cows. Reprod. Domest. Anim. 55(11):1554-1564, 2020
Chen Hongbo
Ph.D., Professor, Vice Dean
Academic leader of animal genetics & breeding in WHPU
School of Animal Science and Nutritional Engineering
Wuhan Polytechnic University (WHPU)
68 Xuefu South Road, Changqing Garden, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, China
Tel (Fax): 86-27-83956175
Research Field:
Animal genetics and breeding (immunogenetics; pathogenesis and mechanisms of diseases; quantitative genetics)
Precision livestock farming (animal health)
B.S. Animal science, School of Animal Science and Technology, Laiyang Agricultural College (Qingdao Agricultural University). Advisor: Dr. Li Zhen.
Ph.D. Animal Genetics Breeding and Reproduction, College of Animal Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University. Advisor:Dr. Zhao Shuhong
Joint Ph.D. Animal Genetics and Breeding, Animal and Natural Resources Institute, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, USDA. Advisor: Dr. Joan K. Lunney.
Lecturer, School of Animal Science and Nutrition Engineering, WHPU
Associate Professor, School of Animal Science and Nutrition Engineering, WHPU
Professor, School of Animal Science and Nutrition Engineering, WHPU
Advisor (Master), School of Animal Science and Nutrition Engineering, WHPU
Advisor (Ph.D.), School of Animal Science and Nutrition Engineering, WHPU
Vice Dean, School of Animal Science and Nutrition Engineering, WHPU
Hubei Industry-University R&D consortium of Improved Beef Cattle
Hubei Provincial Center of Technology Innovation for Domestic Animal Breeding
Wuhan Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
Hubei Genetics Society
Hubei Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
Peer Review:
Animls (2023), JAPAN (2023), Veterinary Sciences (guest editor-2022), Animal genetics(2022), Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering (2016) China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine (2019,2020, 2021, 2022), Acta Veterinaria et ZootechnicaSinica (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019,2020), Animal Genetics (2016) , Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (2013), Canadian Journal of Animal Science (2012) , Meat Science (2011), Livestock Science (2010)
Academic Activities:
The 2nd Summit on Sci-Tech Innovation in Livestock and Poultry Breeding, Kunming
The 21st National Conference on Animal Genetics and Breeding, Beijing
The 10th Annual Meeting of Hubei Genetics Society, Wuhan
The 11th Annual Meeting of Wuhan Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
The 20th National Conference on Animal Genetics and Breeding, Guangzhou
The International Conference on Green Feeds And Animal Product Safety (2019 Wuhan Forum of World-Renowned Scientists Lecturing in Hubei), Wuhan
The 1st Annual Meeting of Hubei Association of Animal Science and Veterin-ary Medicine, Yichang
The 16th National Symposium on Animal Genetic Markers, Luoyang
The 25th International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress & 2018 Inte-rnational PRRS Symposium (2018 IPRRSS), Chongqing
The 2nd Proteomics Technology Training, Beijing
The Annual Meeting of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterina-ry Medicine, Haikou
The 19th National Conference on Animal Genetics and Breeding, Nanjing
Training Course of Operation Q Exactive by ThermoFisher SCIENTIFIC, Wuhan
The 18th National Conference on Animal Genetics and Breeding, Nanchang
The International Symposium on Pig Nutrition and Gut Health 2015, Wuhan
The 41st Genome Science Training in Zhejiang California International Nanosystems Institute, Hangzhou
Academic communication at The ABS Global breeding company, Madison
The 18th Plant and Animal Genome meeting (PAG XVIII), San Diego
The 15th National Conference on Animal Genetics and Breeding, Yangling
The 11th National Symposium on Animal Genetic Markers, Qingdao
The 14th National Conference on Animal Genetics and Breeding, Wuhan
The second prize for the 4th Dairy Opportunity & Challenge (DOC) [mentor], Chinese Society of Academic Degrees and Graduate Education
The 2nd prize for the 3rd National Skill Competitionson Animal Science [mentor], The National Administry Committee on Teaching Animal production in Higher Education under the Ministry of Education
The 1st prize of the 2nd National Skill Competitionson Animal Science [mentor], The National Administry Committee on Teaching Animal production in Higher Education under the Ministry of Education
The 2nd prize for the 1st National Skill Competitions on Animal Science [mentor], The National Administry Committee on Teaching Animal production in Higher Education under the Ministry of Education
Advanced Individual Award in Higher Education,Wuhan Polytechnic University
The Winning Prize for the 11th Young Teachers Teaching Competition, Wuhan Polytechnic University
Excellent Communist Party member (2016-2019), Wuhan Polytechnic University
Excellent Communist Party member (2012-2016), Wuhan Polytechnic University
Excellent Head Teacher,Wuhan Polytechnic University
Outstanding Ph.D. thesis, Huazhong Agricultural University
National scholarship for studying abroad (No.2009676010), Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC)
Grants (Principle Investigator):
1. Key R&D Project from Department of Science and Technology of Hubei Province:Key R&D technologies of breeding & reproduction in beef cattle (No.2022BBA007), 2022-2024,¥1000,000
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC):The Primary Infection Mechanism of G. parasuis based on Porcine Lung Cell Atlas Construction and Genome-scale CRISPR/Cas9 Genetic Screening Strategies (No.32172712), 2022-2025,¥580,000
3. Wuhan Science and Technology Major Project on Key Techniques of Biological Breeding and Breeding of New Varieties: The Functional Genes Mining for Porcine Major Economic Traits (No.2022021302024853), 2022-2025,¥700,000
4. Rural Vitalization Sci-Tech Support Plan by Department of Education of Hubei Province:Technology Innovation of Pig Genetics, Reproduction and Efficient Farming (No.BXLBX0494), 2021-2026
5. Project of Hubei Key Laboratory of Animal Embryo Engineering and Molecular Breeding:Porcine Candidate Genes and Mechanisms in The Early Stage of G. parasuis Infection (No.KLAEMB-2020-03), 2020-2022,¥40,000
6. Frontier Project of Wuhan Applied and Basic Research:Construction of Target Cell Atlas to G. parasuis Infection and Swine Molecular Maker Identification (No.2019020701011494), 2019-2022,¥500,000
7. Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province:Molecular mechanism of porcine ‘MΦCD163+-γδT’ immune axis mediating G. parasuis infection (No.2018CFB535), 2018-2019,¥50,000
8. Middle-aged and Young Talents Project of Department of Education of Hubei Province:The Plasticity and Regulatory Mechanisms of Porcine Alveolar Macrophage Classical/Alternative Activation to G. parasuis Infection (No.Q20161710), 2016-2017,¥20,000
9. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC):The Molecular Mechanisms of Porcine ABCA1 Mediated Alternative Activation of Macrophages and Its Regulation of G. parasuis Infection (No.31301939), 2014-2016,¥230,000
10. Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province:Mechanisms of Porcine ABCA1 in Regulating The Alternative Activation of Macrophage (No.2013CFB324), 2014-2015,¥30,000
11. Project of Wuhan Applied and Basic Research:The Mechanisms of Porcine Genetic Resistance to G. parasuis and Candidate Gene Identifications for Glässer's Disease Resistance Breeding (No.2013020501010178), 2013-2014,¥150,000
12. Scientific Research Project of Wuhan Polytechnic University:Effects on The Intracellular Inflammatory Signalings to G. parasuis Infection following Porcine S100A8 Inhibition by RNAi (No.2012RZ04), 2012-2014,¥40,000
Achievements in Scientific Research:
The 1st prize of Hubei Provincial Award for Technological Invention:Key Candidate Gene Mining, Molecular Breeding Marker Development and Application for High Quality & Healthy Pigs. (No.2016F-035-1-012-001, Zhao Shuhong, Zhu Mengjin, Chen Hongbo, Liu Xiangdong, Li Xinyun, Yu Mei)
1. Chen Hongbo; Zhang Jing; Liu Qing; SNP Markers Associated with Milk Fat Percentage and Its Application in Holstein Dairy Cow in Southern China., 202110118706.8 (open)
2. Chen Hongbo; Cheng Lei; Xiang Min; Hu Xiuzhong; Hou Yongqing; An Tissue Culture Method for Early Embryonic Trophoblast in Dairy Cows., ZL201710846496.8
3. Chen Hongbo; Cheng Lei; Zhao Shuhong; Zhang Jing; Xiang Min; Hou Yongqing; Gao Qishuang; Guo Ling; Qiu Yinsheng; Li Wangming; A Piglet Model Construction Method to G. parasuis Infection., ZL201510011558.4
4. Cheng Lei; Chen Hongbo; Liu Xiaohua; Gao Yangze; Xin Youdong; Wang Dingfa; Hu Xiuzhong; Ling Minghu; Xia Yu; Methods to Improve Sperm Motility and in vitro Fertilization Rate of Bovine Frozen Semen., ZL201310383136.0
5. Cheng Lei, Chen Hongbo; Xin Youdong; Ling Minghu; Liu Xiaohua; Gao Yangze; Wang Dingfa; Xia Yu; Methods to Improve Sperm Motility and in vitro Fertilization Rate of Bovine Frozen Semen Using Genistein., ZL20131 0380474.9
Bibliography (Representative Papers)
1. Deng Xiangwei, Li Shuilian, Zhu Ying, Yu Bo, Zhang Jing, Fang Qianhai, Li Zhimin, Chen Hongbo*, Zhou Huanhuan*. Assessment of the macrophage scavenger receptor CD163 in mediating Glaesserella parasuis infection of host cells. Veterinary Sciences. 10(3):235, 2023
2. Zhou Ao, Zhang Wenhua, Wang Baoxin, Dong Xia, Zhang Jing, Chen Hongbo*. Knockout of Noxa with CRISPR/Cas9 increases host resistance to influenza virus infection. Cellular Microbiology.vol. 2023:Article ID 3877614, 2023.
3. Chen Hongbo, Yu Bo, Liu Chenhui, Cheng Lei*, Yu Jie, Hu Xiuzhong, Xiang Min. Hematology Reference Intervals for Holstein Cows in Southern China: A Study of 786 Subjects. Veterinary Sciences. 9(10):565, 2022
4. Zhang shuo; Yu Bo; Liu Qing; Zhang Yongjin; Zhu Mengjin; Shi Liangyu*; Chen Hongbo*; Assessment of Hematologic and Biochemical Parameters for Healthy Commercial Pigs in China. Animals, 2022, 12: 2464.
5. Liu Zhengfang; Zhu Ying; Zhang Shuo; Liu Qing; Zhang Jing; Zhou Huanhuan; Zhou Ao; Shi Liangyu*; Chen Hongbo*; Constructions of colostrum-deprived piglet infection model to Glaesserella parasuis and the related phenome. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2022, 58(8): 125-135.
6. Chen Hongbo; Liu Chenhui; Xiang Min; Yu Jie; Xia Yu; Hu Xiuzhong; Wang Dingfa; Tao Bifei; Zhang Yongjin; Cheng Lei*; Contribution of the mutation rs8193069 in TLR4 to mastitis resistance and performance in Holstein cows in southern China. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 2022, 8(1): 357-366.
7. Fang Qianhai; Chen Hongbo*; Bi Yanzhen*; Research progress on important breeding value genes and screening techniques of pigs. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2022, 49(3): 992-1004.
8. Wang Liu; Zhang Zekai; Zhou Huanhuan; Zhou Ao; Zhang Jing; Chen Hongbo*. Construction and identification of porcine CD163 transiently transfected CHO-K1 overexpressing cell model. Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic University, 2021, 40(2): 1-7.
9. Cheng Lei; Yu Jie; Hu Xiuzhong; Xiang Min; Xia Yu; Tao Bifei; Du Xiaoyong; Wang Dingfa; Zhao Shuhong*; Chen, Hongbo*; Identification of reliable reference genes for expression studies in maternal reproductive tissues and foetal tissues of pregnant cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2020, 55(11): 1554-1564.
10. Cheng Lei; Chen Hongbo*. Research progress on MΦ-γδT immune axis in the pathogenesis of Glässer's Disease. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2018, 49(5): 879-886.
11. Chen Hongbo*; Haemophilus parasuis Infection: model for the host immune response and the macrophage activation. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2015, 46(1): 1-11.
12. Chen Hongbo; Cheng Lei*; Xiang Min; Hu Xiuzhong; Wang Dingfa; Liu Xiaohua; Ling Minghu; Applied research of interferon stimulated genes ISG15, OAS1, and RSAD2 in early pregnancy diagnosis of dairy cows. Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology, 2015, 36(5): 18-24.
13. Chen Hongbo*; Cheng Lei; Xiang Min; Zhao Shuhong; Hou Yongqing; Li Wangming; Colostrum-deprived piglets as the model for experimental infection by Haemophilus parasuis. Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology, 2015, 36(6): 53-62.
14. Chen Hongbo; Cheng Lei*; Fu Rongpu; Wang Dingfa; Liu Xiaohua; Ling Minghu; Hu Xiuzhong; Study on the effect of parity on milk production traits in dairy cows and correlations between the traits. China Dairy Cattle, 2014, 14: 15-17.
15. Chen Hongbo; Tang Zhou; Liu Xiaohua; Wu Weiche; Wang Dingfa; Ling Minghu; Hu Xiuzhong; Cheng Lei*; Analyzing effects of calving seasons on dairy milk yield with non-parametric statistical method based on DHI data. Hubei Agricultural Sciences, 2014, 53(17): 4120-4122.
16. Zhao Shuhong*; Zhu Mengjin; Chen Hongbo; Immunogenomics for identification of disease resistance genes in pigs: a review focusing on Gram-negative bacilli. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2012, 3(1): 34-34.
17. Wysocki M; Chen H; Steibel J P; Kuhar D; Petry D; Bates J; Johnson R; Ernst C W; Lunney J K*; Identifying putative candidate genes and pathways involved in immune responses to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection. Animal Genetics, 2012, 43(3): 328-332.
18. Zhao Ming; Chen Hongbo; Liu Xiangdong; Wang Chao; Guo Jingying; He Minhui; Zhao Shuhong; Zhu Mengjin*; Comparison of Effect of Non-Specific Filtering Methods and their Combinations on GeneChip Data Analysis: A Case for Affymetrix Porcine Genome Microarray. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2012, 11(24): 4593-4598.
19. Liu Xiangdong; Chen Hongbo; Tong Qin; Li Xinyun; Zhu Mengjin; Wu Zhenfang; Zhou Rui; Zhao Shuhong*; Molecular characterization of caveolin-1 in pigs infected with Haemophilus parasuis. The Journal of Immunology, 2011, 186(5): 3031-3046.
20. Chen Hongbo; Lunney Joan K; Cheng Lei; Li Xinyun; Cao Jianhua; Zhu Mengjin; Zhao Shuhong*; Porcine S100A8 and S100A9: molecular characterizations and crucial functions in response to Haemophilus parasuis infection. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2011, 35(4): 490-500.
21. Lunney Joan K*; Chen Hongbo; Genetic control of host resistance to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection. Virus Research, 2010, 154(1-2): 161-169.
22. Chen Hongbo; Cheng Lei; Yang Songbai; Liu Xiangdong; Liu Ying; Tang Juan; Li Xinyun; He Qigai; Zhao Shuhong*; Molecular characterization, induced expression, and transcriptional regulation of porcine S100A12 gene. Molecular Immunology, 2010, 47(7-8): 1601-1607.
23. Chen Hongbo; Li Changchun; Fang Mingdi; Zhu Mengjin; Li Xinyun; Zhou Rui; Li Kui; Zhao Shuhong*; Understanding Haemophilus parasuis infection in porcine spleen through a transcriptomics approach. BMC Genomics, 2009, 10: 64-64.
24. Chen Hongbo; Zhao Shuhong*. Two-dimensional electrophoresis technology for proteomics of porcine lung tissue. Animal Biotechnology Bulletin, 2008, 11(1):22-26.
Team works (not shown)
Updated: JUL. 6, 2023