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时间:2015-12-17    作者:     浏览次数:


所在院系: 动物科学系

职称: 教授(二级)

导师类别: 博士生导师

政治面貌: 党员

职务: 动物营养与饲料科学湖北省重点实验室主任




刘玉兰,1975年2月出生,博士,武汉轻工大学动物科学与营养工程学院教授,动物营养与饲料科学湖北省重点实验室主任,博士生导师,从事动物营养与饲料科学方面的教学科研工作。在猪的营养与免疫、肠道生理机能调控方面做了大量系统深入的研究工作。她是全国五一劳动奖章获得者(2022),国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者(2014)、湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者(2013),入选第二批国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才(2016)、享受国务院政府特殊津贴人员(2016)、国家百千万人才工程(授予“国家有突出贡献中青年专家”)(2015)、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才(2014)、湖北省有突出贡献中青年专家(2014)、湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程第二层次人选(2011)、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2010)。目前主持或主持完成国家自然科学基金项目8项,国家重点研发计划课题1项,其他省部级项目20余项,参与国家973项目2项。发表学术论文160余篇,以第一或通讯作者在《Trends in Cell Biology》(IF2020=21.167)、《Cell Death & Disease》(IF2021=9.685)、《The Journal of Nutrition》、《Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry》、《Molecular Nutrition & Food Research》等著名期刊上发表SCI论文83篇。为中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会常务理事、中国畜牧兽医学会微生物学分会常务理事、中国高科技产业化研究会饲料分会常务理事、中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会第十一届理事会饲料安全与生物技术专题组委员会副主任、中国畜牧兽医学会高级会员、湖北省畜牧兽医学会理事。应邀担任《The Journal of Nutrition》、《Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry》、《British Journal of Nutrition》、《Journal of Animal Science》等30余SCI期刊的审稿专家。为《British Journal of Nutrition》副主编,《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》、《Frontiers in Microbiology》、《Journal of Nutritional Science》和《动物营养学报》等期刊编委。获湖北省科技进步一等奖1项、二等奖2项,湖北省青年科技奖1项,第十二届大北农科技奖二等奖1项,授权国家发明专利13项。编著7部。成果鉴定4项。入选“全球前2%顶尖科学家终身成就榜(1960-2022)”及“2022年全球2%顶尖科学家榜单”。









2010/02-2011/04,美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学(North Carolina State University),动物科学系,访问学者







































































1.Hui Wang#, Xin Cong#, Kun Qin, Mengke Yan, Xianfeng Xu, Mingkang Liu, Xiao Xu, Yue Zhang, Qingyu Gao, Shuiyuan Cheng, Jiangchao Zhao, Huiling Zhu*, Yulan Liu*. Se-Enriched Cardamine violifolia Improves Laying Performance and Regulates Ovarian Antioxidative Function in Aging Laying Hens. Antioxidants 2023, 12, 450. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox12020450.

2.Dan Wang#, Yanling Kuang#, Qingqing Lv, Wenshuai Xie, Xiao Xu, Huiling Zhu, Yue Zhang, Xin Cong, Shuiyuan Cheng, Yulong Yin, Yulan Liu*. Selenium-enriched Cardamine violifolia protects against sepsis-induced intestinal injury by regulating mitochondrial fusion in weaned pigs.SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences,(2023) . doi.org/10.1007/s11427-022-2274-7.

3.Kan Xiao#,Mohan Zhou#, Qingqing Lv, Pengwei He, Xu Qin, Dan Wang, Jiangchao Zhao, Yulan Liu*. Protocatechuic acid and quercetin attenuate ETEC-caused IPEC-1 cell inflammation and injury associated with inhibition of necroptosis and pyroptosis signaling pathways. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2023.

4.Wang D, Kuang YL, Wan ZC, Li P, Zhu HL, Liu YL*. Aspartate alleviates colonic epithelial damage by regulating intestinal stem cell proliferation and differentiation via mitochondrial dynamic. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.202200168.

5.LinJ,ZuoCG,LiangTZ,HuangY,KangP,XiaoK,LiuYL*. 2022. Lycopene alleviates multiple-mycotoxin-induced toxicity by inhibiting mitochondrial damage and ferroptosis in the mouse jejunum. Food & Function. 13(22):11532-11542.

6.Xu X, Wei Y, Hua HW, Zhu HL, Xiao K, Zhao JC, Liu YL*. 2022. Glycine alleviated intestinal injury by inhibiting ferroptosis in piglets challenged with diquat. Animals (Basel). 12(22):3071. doi: 10.3390/ani12223071.

7.Yang Y#, Lv QQ#, Huang XF, Fan JJ, Li P, Zhu HL, Kang P*, Liu YL*. 2022. Identification and characterization of MicroRNAs in pig liver after the LPS challenge using RNA-seq. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 33:1, 652-663.

8.Zhou B#, Xu QL#, Guo JJ, Chen QL, Lv QQ, Xiao K, Zhu HL, Zhao JC, Liu YL*. 2022. Necroptosis contributes to LPS-induced activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in a piglet model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. doi: 10.3390/ijms231911218.

9.Hu J#, Wang DF#, Huang XF, Yang Y, Lian X, Wang WJ, Xu X, Liu YL*.Effects of TolC on the pathogenicity of porcine extraintestinal pathogenicEscherichia coli.Frontiers in Immunology. 2022 Aug 18;13:929740. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.929740. eCollection 2022.

10.Wang D#, Zhang Y#, Chen QL#, Kuang YL, Fan JJ, Xu X, Zhu HL, Gao QY, Cheng SY, Cong X*, Liu YL*. Selenium-enriched Cardamine violifolia improves growth performance with potential regulation of intestinal health and antioxidant function in weaned pigs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2022 Aug 11;9:964766. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.964766. eCollection 2022.

11.Xu X, Wei Y, Hua HW, Jing XQ, Zhu HL, Xiao K, Zhao JC, Liu YL. 2022.Polyphenols Sourced fromIlex latifoliaThunb. Relieve Intestinal Injury via Modulating Ferroptosis in Weanling Piglets under Oxidative Stress.Antioxidants (Basel). 11(5):966.

12.Xu X, Wei Y, Zhang Y, Jing X, Cong X, Gao Q, Cheng S, Zhu Z, Zhu H, Zhao J, Liu Y. 2022.A new selenium source from Se-enrichedCardamine violifoliaimproves growth performance, anti-oxidative capacity and meat quality in broilers.Frontiers in Nutrition. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.996932. eCollection 2022

13.Zhu HL, Guo JJ, Wang H, Gu DC, Wang D, Liu YL. 2022*.Developmental changes of free amino acids in amniotic, allantoic fluids and yolk of broiler embryo.British Poultry Science. doi: 10.1080/00071668.2022.2079073.

14.Wang D, Kuang YL, Zhang GL, Xiao K, Liu YL*. 2022.Lysine-specific demethylase 1 in energy metabolism: a novel target for obesity.Journal of Nutrition. 152(7):1611-1620.

15.Guo JJ, Liang TZ, Chen HF, Li XG, Ren XR, Wang XY, Xiao K, Zhao JC, Zhu HL*, Liu YL*. 2022.Glutamate attenuates lipopolysaccharide induced intestinal barrier injury by regulating corticotropin-releasing factor pathway in weaned pigs.Animal Bioscience. 35(8):1235-1249.

16.LinJ#,HuangFF#,LiangTZ,QinQ,XuQ,HuangXF,ZhangJ,XiaoK,ZhuHL,ZhaoJC,LiuYL*. 2022. EPA and DHA confer protection against deoxynivalenol-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress and iron imbalance in IPEC-1 cells. British Journal of Nutrition. 128(2):161-171.

17.XiaoK#,YangY#,ZhangY,LvQQ,HuangFF,WangD,ZhaoJC,LiuYL*. 2022. Long-chain PUFA ameliorate ETEC-induced intestinal inflammation and cell injury by modulating pyroptosis and necroptosis signaling pathways in IPEC-1 cells. British Journal of Nutrition. 128(5):991-992.

18.WangD,LiP,OdleJ,LinX,ZhaoJC,XiaoK,LiuYL*. 2022. Modulation of Intestinal Stem Cell Homeostasis by Nutrients: A Novel Therapeutic Option for Intestinal Diseases. Nutrition Research Reviews. 35(1):150-158.

19.Wang D, Odle J, Liu YL*. Metabolic regulation of intestinal stem cell homeostasis.2021.Trends in Cell Biology. 31(5):325-327.

20.Wang XY, Xiao K, Yu C, Wang LM, Liang TZ, Zhu HL, Xu X, Liu YL. 2021. Xylooligosaccharide attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced intestinal injury in piglets via suppressing inflammation and modulating cecal microbial communities. Animal Nutrition. 7(3):609-620.

21.Xu Q, Guo JJ, Li XG, Wang Y, Wang D, Xiao K, Zhu HL, Wang XY , Hu CA, Zhang GL, Liu YL*. 2021. Necroptosis underlies hepatic damage in a piglet model oflipopolysaccharide-induced sepsis. Frontiers in Immunology. 12:633830.

22.Liu YL*, Xu Q, Wang Y, Liang TZ, Li XG, Wang D, Wang XY, Zhu HL, Xiao K. 2021. Necroptosis is active and contributes to intestinal injury in a piglet model with lipopolysaccharide challenge. Cell Death & Disease. 12(1): 62.

23.Zhang J, Xu X, Chen HB, Kang P, Zhu HL, Ren HY, Liu YL*. 2021. Construction and analysis for dysregulated lncRNAs and mRNAs in LPS-induced porcine PBMCs. Innate Immunity. 27(2): 170-183.

24.Kang P, Huang XF, Wan ZC, Liang TZ, Wang Y, Li XG, Zhang J, Zhu HL, Liu YL*. 2021. Kinetics of changes in gene and microRNA expression related with muscle inflammation and protein degradation following LPS-challenge in weaned piglets. Innate Immunity. 27(1): 23-30.

25.Xiao K, Xu Q, Liu CC, He PW, Qin Q, Zhu HL, Zhang J, Gin A, Zhang GL, Liu YL*. 2020. Docosahexaenoic acid alleviates cell injury and improves barrier function by suppressing necroptosis signaling in TNF-α-challenged porcine intestinal epithelial cells. Innate Immunity. 26(8) 653-665.

26.Xu X, Hua HW, Wang LM, He PW, Zhang L, Qin Q, Yu C, Wang XY, Zhang GL, Liu YL*. 2020.Holly polyphenols alleviate intestinal inflammation and alter microbiota composition in lipopolysaccharide-challenged pigs. British Journal of Nutrition. 123:881-891.

27.Xiao K#, Liu CC#, Tu ZX, Xu Q, Chen SK, Zhang Y, Wang XY, Zhang J, Hu CA, Liu YL*. Activation of the NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways contributes to the inflammatory responses, but not cell injury in IPEC-1 cells challenged with hydrogen peroxide. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2020. Article ID 5803639.

28.Xiao K, Liu CC, Qin Q, Zhang Y, Wang XY, Zhang J, Odle J, Lin X, Hu CA,Liu YL*. 2020. EPA and DHA attenuate deoxynivalenol-induced intestinal porcine epithelial cell injury and protect barrier function integrity by inhibiting necroptosis signaling pathway. FASEB Journal. 34(2):2483-2496.

29.Kang P, Wang Y, Li XG, Wan ZC, Wang XY, Zhu HL, Wang CW, Zhao SJ, Chen HF,Liu YL*. 2020. Effect of flaxseed oil on muscle protein loss and carbohydrate oxidation impairment in a pig model after lipopolysaccharide challenge. British Journal of Nutrition. 123:859-869.

30.Zhang J,Xu X,Huang XF,Zhu HL,Chen HB,Wang WJ*,Liu YL*. 2020. Analysis of microRNA expression profiles in porcine PBMCs after LPS stimulation. Innate Immunity. 2020. 26(5) 435-446.

31.Zhang J, Xu X, Zhang L, Liu Y, Odle J, Lin X, Zhu HL, Wang XY,Liu YL*. 2019. EPA and DHA inhibit myogenesis and downregulate the expression of muscle-related genes in C2C12 myoblasts. Genes. 10(1). pii: E64. doi: 10.3390/genes10010064.

32.Wang XY#, Wang WJ#, Wang LM, YuC,Zhang GL, Zhu HL, Wang CW, Zhao SJ, Hu CA,Liu YL*. 2019. Lentinan modulates intestinal microbiota and enhances barrier integrityin a piglet model challenged with lipopolysaccharide. Food & Function. 10: 479-489.

33.Zhang J, Xu X, Zhu HL, Wang Y, Hou YQ,Liu YL*. 2019. Dietary fish oil supplementation alters liver gene expressions to protect against LPS-induced liver injury in weanling piglets. Innate Immunity. 25: 60-72.

34.Guo L,Li LN,Zhang Y,Fu SL,Zhang J,Wang XY,Zhu HL,Qiao M,Wu LY,Liu YL. 2019.Long non-coding RNA profiling in LPS-induced intestinal inflammation model: New insight into pathogenesis. Innate Immunity. 25(8):491-502.

35.Zhang L#, Wang XY#, Chen SK, Wang SH, Tu ZX, Zhang GL, Zhu HL, Li XG, Xiong JL,Liu YL*. 2018. Medium-chain triglycerides attenuate liver injury in lipopolysaccharide-challenged pigs by inhibiting necroptotic and inflammatory signaling pathways. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 19: 3697.

36.Qin Q#, Xu X#, Wang XY, Wu HT, Zhu HL, Hou YQ, Dai B, Liu XT,Liu YL*. 2018. Glutamate alleviates intestinal injury, maintains mTOR and suppresses TLR4 and NOD signaling pathways in weanling pigs challenged with lipopolysaccharide. Scientific Reports. 8: 15124.

37.Xu X, Wang XY, Wu HT, Zhu HL, Liu CC, Hou YQ, Dai B, Liu XT,Liu YL*. 2018. Glycine relieves intestinal injury by maintaining mTOR signaling and suppressing AMPK, TLR4 and NOD signaling in weaned piglets after lipopolysaccharide challenge. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.19:1980.

38.Wang LM, Tu ZX, Wang HB, Wang SH, Wang XY, Zhu HL, Hu CA,Liu YL*. 2018. Flaxseed oil improves liver injury and inhibits necroptotic and inflammatory signaling pathways following lipopolysaccharide challenge in a piglet model. Journal of Functional Foods. 46: 482-489.

39.Zhu HL, Wang HB, Wang SH, Tu ZX, Zhang L,Wang XY,Hou YQ,Wang CW,Qin Q, Chen J,Liu YL*. 2018. Flaxseed oil attenuates intestinal damage and inflammation by regulating necroptosis and TLR4/NOD signaling pathways following lipopolysaccharide challenge in a piglet model. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 62: e1700814.

40.Xu X, Chen SK, Wang HB, Tu ZX, Wang SH, Wang XY, Zhu HL, Wang CW, Zhu JD,Liu YL*. 2018. Medium-chain TAG improve intestinal integrity by suppressing toll-like receptor 4, nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain proteins and necroptosis signalling in weanling piglets challenged with lipopolysaccharide. British Journal of Nutrition.119:1019-1028.

41.Kang P,Liu YL*, Zhu HL, Zhang J, Shi HF, Li S, Pi DA, Leng WB, Wang XY, Wu HT, Hou YQ. 2018. The effect of dietary asparagine supplementation on energy metabolism in liver of weaning pigs when challenged with lipopolysaccharide.Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 31: 548-555.

42.Liu YL*,Wang XY,Hu CA*. 2017. Therapeutic potential of amino acids in inflammatory bowel disease.Nutrients.9: pii: E920.

43.Kang P,Wang XY,Wu HT,Zhu HL,Hou YQ,Wang LM,Liu YL*. 2017. Glutamate alleviates muscle protein loss by modulating TLR4, NODs, Akt/FOXO and mTOR signaling pathways in LPS-challenged piglets.PLoS One.12: e0182246.

44.Zhu HL,Pi DA,Leng WB,Wang XY,Hu CA,Hou YQ,Xiong JL,Wang CW,Qin Q,Liu YL*. 2017. Asparagine preserves intestinal barrier function from LPS-induced injury and regulates CRF/CRFR signaling pathway. Innate Immunity. 23: 546-556.

45.Liu YL*, Wang XY, Hou YQ, Yin YL, Qiu YS, Wu GY, Hu CA*. 2017. Roles of amino acids in preventing and treating intestinal diseases: recent studies with pig models. Amino Acids. 49: 1277-1291.

46.Guo L,Liu YL*, Han J, Zhu HL, Wang XY. 2017. Effects of biotite V supplementation on growth performance and the immunological responses of weaned pigs after anEscherichia colilipopolysaccharide challenge. Livestock Science 195: 112-117.

47.Sun LH,Pi DA,Zhao L,Wang XY,Zhu LY,Qi DS,Liu YL*. 2017. Response of selenium and selenogenome in immune tissues to LPS-induced inflammatory reactions in pigs. Biological Trace Element Research. 177: 90-96.

48.Zhang J,Liu Y*. 2017. MicroRNA in skeletal muscle: Its crucial roles in signal proteins, muscle fiber type, and muscle protein synthesis. Current Protein and Peptide Science. 18: 579-588.

49.Liu YL*, Wang XY, Leng WB, Pi DA, Tu ZX, Zhu HL, Shi HF, Li S, Hou YQ,Hu CA. 2017. Aspartate inhibits LPS-induced MAFbx and MuRF1 expression in skeletal muscle in weaned pigs by regulating Akt, AMPKα and FOXO1. Innate Immunity. 23: 34-43.

50.Wang HB,Liu YL*,Shi HF,Wang XY,Zhu HL,Pi DA,Leng WB,Li S. 2017. Aspartate attenuates intestinal injury and inhibits TLR4 and NODs/NF-κB and p38 signaling in weaned pigs after LPS challenge.European Journal of Nutrition.56: 1433-1443.

51.Chen SK,Liu YL*, Wang XY, Wang HB, Li S, Shi HF, Zhu HL, Zhang J, Pi DA, Hu CA, Lin X, Odle J. 2016. Asparagine improves intestinal integrity, inhibits TLR4 and NOD signaling, and differently regulates p38 and ERK1/2 signaling in weanling piglets after LPS challenge. Innate Immunity. 22: 577-587.

52.Wang XY,Liu YL*, Wang SH, Pi DA, Leng WB, Zhu HL, Zhang J, Shi HF, Li S, Lin X, Odle J. 2016. Asparagine reduces the mRNA expression of muscle atrophy markers via regulating Akt, AMP-activated protein kinase α, toll-like receptor 4 and nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain protein signalling in weaning piglets after lipopolysaccharide challenge.British Journal of Nutrition. 116: 1188-1198.

53.Liu YL*,Wang X,Wu H,Chen S,Zhu H,Zhang J,Hou Y,Hu CA,Zhang G. 2016. Glycine enhances muscle protein mass associated with maintaining Akt-mTOR-FOXO1 signaling and suppressing TLR4 and NOD2 signaling in piglets challenged with LPS.American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology.311: R365-R373.

54.Zhu HL,Liu YL*,Chen SK,Wang XY,Pi DA,Leng WB,Chen F,Zhang J,Kang P. 2016. Fish oil enhances intestinal barrier function and inhibits corticotropin-releasing hormone/corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 signalling pathway in weaned pigs after lipopolysaccharide challenge.British Journal of Nutrition.115: 1947-1957.

55.Liu YL*. 2015. Fatty acids, inflammation and intestinal health in pigs. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 6: 41.

56.Zhang J, Fu SL, Liu Y,Liu YL*, Wang WJ*. 2015. Analysis of microRNA expression profiles in weaned pig skeletal muscle after lipopolysaccharide challenge. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 16: 22438-22455.

57.Wang X,Liu Y*,Li S,Pi D,Zhu H,Hou Y,Shi H,Leng W. 2015. Asparagine attenuates intestinal injury, improves energy status, and inhibits AMPK signaling pathways in weaned piglets challenged withEscherichia colilipopolysaccharide. British Journal of Nutrition. 114: 553-565.

58.Wu H,Liu Y*,Pi D,Leng W,Zhu H,Hou Y,Li S,Shi H,WangX. 2015. Asparagine attenuates hepatic injury caused by lipopolysaccharide in weaned piglets associated with modulation of TLR4 and NOD signaling and their negative regulators. British Journal of Nutrition. 114: 189-201.

59.Kang P,Liu YL*, Zhu HL, Li S, Shi HF, Chen F, Leng WB, Pi DA, Hou YQ, Yi D. 2015. The effect of aspartate on the energy metabolism in the liver of weanling pigs challenged with lipopolysaccharide. European Journal of Nutrition. 54: 581-588.

60.Pi DA,Liu YL*, Shi HF, Li S, Odle J, Lin Xi, Zhu HL, Chen F, Hou YQ, Leng WB. 2014. Dietary supplementation of aspartate enhances intestinal integrity and energy status in weanling piglets after lipopolysaccharide challenge. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 25: 456-462.

61.Leng WB,Liu YL*, Shi HF, Li S, Zhu HL, Pi DA, Hou YQ, Gong JH.2014. Aspartatealleviates liver injury and regulates mRNA expressions of TLR4 and NOD signaling related genes in weaned pigs after lipopolysaccharide challenge. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 25: 592-599.

62.Liu YL*, Chen F, Li Q, Odle J, Lin X, Zhu HL, Pi DA, Hou YQ, Hong Y, Shi HF. 2013. Fish oil alleviates activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis associated with inhibition of TLR4 and NOD signaling pathways in weaning pigs after a lipopolysaccharide challenge. The Journal of Nutrition. 143: 1799-1807.

63.Liu YL*, Chen F, Odle J, Lin X, Zhu HL, Shi HF, Hou YQ, Yin JD. 2013. Fish oil increases muscle protein mass and modulates Akt/FOXO, TLR4 and NOD signaling in weaning piglets after LPS challenge. The Journal of Nutrition. 143: 1331-1339.

64.Zhu HL,Liu YL*, Xie XL, Huang JJ, Hou YQ. 2013. Effect of L-arginine on intestinal mucosal immune barrier function in weaned pigs afterEscherichia coliLPS challenge. Innate Immunity.19: 242-252.

65.Chen F,Liu YL*, Zhu HL, Hong Y, Wu ZF, Hou YQ, Li Q, Ding BY, Yi D, Chen HB. 2013. Fish oil attenuates liver injury caused by LPS in weaned pigs associated with inhibition of TLR4 and NOD signaling pathways. Innate Immunity. 19: 504-515.

66.Liu YL*,Chen F,Odle J,Lin X,Jacobi SK,Zhu HL,Wu ZF,Hou YQ. 2012. Fish oil enhances intestinal integrity and inhibits TLR4 and NOD2 signaling pathways in weaned pigs after LPS challenge. The Journal of Nutrition. 142: 2017-2024.

67.Li Q,Liu YL*, Che ZQ, Zhu HL, Meng GQ, Hou YQ, Ding BY, Yin YL, Chen F. 2012. Dietary L-arginine supplementation alleviates liver injury caused byEscherichia coliLPS in weaned pigs.Innate Immunity.18: 804-814.

68.Che ZQ,Liu YL*, Wang HR, Zhu HL, Hou YQ, Ding BY. 2011. The protective effects of different mycotoxin adsorbents against blood and liver pathological changes induced by mold-contaminated feed in broilers. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 24: 250-257.

69.Liu YL*, Meng GQ, Wang HR, Zhu HL, Hou YQ, Wang WJ, Ding BY. 2011. Effect of three mycotoxin adsorbents on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and meat quality in broilers fed mold-contaminated feed. British Poultry Science. 52: 255-263.

70.Fan W,Liu YL*, Wu ZF, Hong Y, Zhu HL, Hou YQ, Yin YL, Han J. 2010. Effects of rosiglitazone, an agonist of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, on intestinal damage induced byEscherichia colilipopolysaccharide in weaned pigs. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 71: 1331-1338.

71.Liu YL*, Shi JX, Lu J, Che ZQ, Zhu HL, Hou YQ, Yin YL, Zhao SJ, Ding BY, Liu HM. 2010. Up-regulated expression of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis of weaned pigs afterEscherichia colilipopolysaccharide challenge. The Veterinary Journal. 184: 230-235.

72.Liu YL*, Shi JX, Lu J, Meng GQ, Zhu HL, Hou YQ, Yin YL, Zhao SJ, Ding BY. 2009. Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ potentiates pro-inflammatory cytokine production, and adrenal and somatotropic changes of weaned pigs afterEscherichia colilipopolysaccharide challenge. Innate Immunity. 15: 169-178.

73.Liu YL, Han J, Huang JJ, Wang XQ, Wang FL, Wang JJ*. 2009.Dietary L-arginine supplementation improves intestinal function in weaned pigs after anEscherichia colilipopolysaccharide. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 22: 1667-1675.

74.Han J,Liu YL*, Fan W, Chao J, Hou YQ, Yin YL, Zhu HL, Meng GQ, Che ZQ. 2009. Dietary L-arginine supplementation alleviates immunosuppression induced by cyclophosphamide in weaned pigs. Amino Acids. 37: 643-651.

75.Guo GL,Liu YL*, Fan W, Han J, Hou YQ, Yin YL, Zhu HL, Ding BY, Shi JX, Lu J, Wang HR, Chao J, Qu YH. 2008. Effects of achyranthes bidentata polysaccharide on growth performance, immunological, adrenal, and somatotropic responses of weaned pigs challenged withEscherichia colilipopolysaccharide. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 21: 1189-1195.

76.Liu YL*, Huang JJ, Hou YQ, Zhu HL, Zhao SJ, Ding BY, Yin YL, Yi GF, Shi JY, Fan W. 2008. Dietary arginine supplementation alleviates intestinal mucosal disruption induced byEscherichia colilipopolysaccharide in weaned pigs. British Journal of Nutrition. 100: 552-560.

77.Liu YL*, Lu J, Shi JX, Hou YQ, Zhu HL, Zhao SJ, Liu HM, Ding BY, Yin YL, Yi GF. 2008. Increased expression of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ in the immune system of weaned pigs afterEscherichia colilipopolysaccharide challenge. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 124: 82-92.

78.Liu YL*, Yi GF, Song GL, Hou YQ, Huang JW, Vazquez-Anon M, Knight CD. 2007. Impact of feeding 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid and DL-methionine supplemented maize-soya bean-rapeseed meal diets on growth performance and carcass quality of broilers. British Poultry Science. 48: 190-197.

79.Liu YL*, Song GL, Yi GF, Hou YQ, Huang JW, Vazquez-Anon M, Knight CD. 2006. Effect of supplementing 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid and DL-methionine in corn-soybean-cottonseed meal diets on growth performance and carcass quality of broilers. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 19: 1197-1205.

80.Hou YQ,Liu YL*, Hu J, Shen WH. 2006. Effects of lactitol and tributyrin on growth performance, small intestinal morphology and enzyme activity in weaned pigs. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 19: 1470-1477.

81.Liu YL, Li DF*, Gong LM, Yi GF, Gaines AM, Carroll JA. 2003. Effects of fish oil supplementation on the performance and the immunological, adrenal, and somatotropic responses of weaned pigs after anEscherichia colilipopolysaccharide challenge. Journal of Animal Science. 81: 2758-2765.

82.Liu YL, Gong LM*, Li DF, Feng ZY, Zhao LD, Dong T. 2003. Effects of fish oil on lymphocyte proliferation, cytokine production and intracellular signaling in weanling pigs. Archives of Animal Nutrition. 57: 151-165.



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4.仔猪生理机能营养调控与饲料产业化关键技术.湖北省人民政府.湖北省科技进步奖一等奖. 2011年.(排2)

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12.一种AFG1的产毒培养基及寄生曲霉的AFG1产毒发酵方法.专利号: ZL201410727872.8

13.一种AFG2的产毒培养基及寄生曲霉的AFG2产毒发酵方法.专利号: ZL201410733768.X

14.一种黄曲霉毒素B1毒性的检测方法.专利号: 201710934861.0

15.一种寄生曲霉的AFG1产毒发酵方法.专利号: ZL201711014844.1

16.一种寄生曲霉的AFG2产毒发酵方法.专利号: ZL201711016212.9


18.一种2,4-二硝基甲苯毒性的检测方法.专利号: ZL201810721052.6

19.饲用鱼油微胶囊及其制备工艺.专利号: ZL201610051161.2

20.一种熟化软颗粒饲料制备工艺系统.专利号: ZL201921009667.2(实用新型专利)


























