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时间:2023-12-13    作者:     浏览次数:






2002年至2003年,受法国Miistere de la jeunesse,del’EducationNationale et de la Recherche资助,在法国Perpignan大学基因组与发育实验室(CNRS5096)从事博士后研究。











1. Zhou WJ, Yang JK, Mao L, Miao LH. Codon optimization, promoter and expression system selection thatachieved high-level production of Yarrowialipolytica lipase in Pichiapastoris. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2015,71:66–72

2. Yang JK, Xiong W, Xu L, Li J, Zhao XJ. Constitutive expression of Campylobacter jejuni truncated hemoglobinCtrHb improves the growth of Escherichia coli cell under aerobic andanaerobic conditions. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2015, 75–76:64–70

3. Xu L, Xiong W, Yang JK, Li J, Tao XW. Recombinant Escherichia coli strains with inducible Campylobacter jejuni single domain hemoglobin CHb expression exhibited improved cell growth in bioreactor culture. PLoS ONE. 2015, 10(3): e0116503.

4. Yang JK, Zhang JJ, Yu HY, Cheng JW, Miao LH. Community composition and cellulase activity of cellulolytic bacteria from forest soils planted with broad-leaved deciduous and evergreen trees. ApplMicrobiolBiotechnol. 2014, 98(3):1449-1458.

5. Yang JK, Cheng ZB, Li J, Miao LH, Community Composition of NirS-Type Denitrifier in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake, Microbial Ecol, 2013, 66(4):796-805.

6. Yang JK, Liu LY, Dai JH, Li Q. de novo design and synthesis of Candida antarctica Lipase B gene and α-factor leads to high-level expression in Pichiapastoris. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8(1): e53939.

7. Yang JK, Chen FYuan, Yan XX, Miao LH, Dai JH. A simple and accurate two-step long DNA sequences synthesis strategy to improve heterologous gene expression in Pichia. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(5): e36607.

8. Yang JK, Sun J, Lee OO, Wong YH, Qian PY. Phylogenetic diversity and community structures of sponge-associated bacteria from the mangroves of the Caribbean Sea. Aquatic Microbiology Ecology, 2011, 62: 231-240.

9. Bougouffa S., Yang J. K, Lee O. O., Wang Y., BatangZenon, Al-Suwailem A. Qian P. Y. Distinctive microbial community structure in highly stratified deep-sea brine water column. 2013, doi: 10.1128/ AEM.00254-13

10. Lee OO, Yang J, Bougouffa S, Wang Y, Batang Z, Tian R, Al-Suwailem A, Qian PY. Spatial and species variations in bacterial communities associated with corals from the Red Sea as revealed by pyrosequencing. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2012, 78(20):7173-7184.

11. Yang J, Sun J, Lee O O, Wong Y H, Qian P Y. Phylogenetic diversity and community structures of sponge-associated bacteria from the mangroves of the Caribbean Sea. Aquatic Microbiology Ecology, 2011, 62: 231-240. (IF=1.7)

12. Wang Y, Yang J, Lee O O, Dash S, Lau S C K, Al-Suwailem A, Wong TYH, Danchin A, Qian PY. Hydrothermally generated aromatic compounds are consumed by bacteria colonizing in Atlantis II Deep of the Red Sea. The ISME Journal (in press) (IF=6.4)

13. Lee OO, Wang Y, Yang J, Lafi FF, Al-Suwailem A, Qian PY. Pyrosequencing reveals highly diverse and species-specific microbial communities in sponges from the Red Sea. ISME J. 2011, 5(4):650-664.

14. Pei-Yuan Qian, Yong Wang, On On Lee, Jiangke Yang, Stanley LauAbdulaziz Al-Suwailem, Tim Wong. Vertical stratification of microbial communities in deep-sea brine pools and overlying water columns in the Red Sea. The ISME Journal, 2011, 5: 507–518. (IF=6.4)

15. Yang J, Sun J, et al. lip2, a novel lipase gene cloned from Aspergillusniger exhibits enzymatic characteristics distinct from its previously identified family member. Biotechnology Letter, 2010, 32(7): 951-956. (IF=1.6)

16. Yang J, Liu L, Cao X, Combination of bioimprinting and silane precursor alkyls improved the activity of sol–gel-encapsulated lipase. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2009, 46 (3): 257-261. (IF=2.6)

17. Yang J, Liu L. Codon optimization through a two-step gene synthesis leads to a high-level expression of Aspergillusniger lip2 gene in Pichiapastoris. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2010, 63 (3): 164-169. (IF=2.4)

18. Xu L*, Jiang X*, Yang J*, et al. Cloning of a novel lipase gene, lipJ08, from Candida rugosa and expression in Pichiapastoris by codon optimization BiotechnolLett. 2010, 32(2):269-276.(*Equal contribution) (IF=1.6)

19. Jia B, Yang JK, et al. Homologous overexpression of a lipase from Burkholderiacepacia using the lambda red recombinase system. BiotechnolLett. 2010, 32(4): 521-526. (IF=1.6)

20. Shu Z, Duan M, Yang J, et al. Aspergillusniger lipase: heterologous expression in Pichiapastoris, molecular modeling prediction and the importance of the hinge domains at both sides of the lid domain to interfacial activation. Biotechnology Progress, 2009, 25(2): 409 – 416. (IF=2.4)

21. Yang J, Zhang B, et al. Cloning and expression of Pseudomonas fluorescens 26-2 lipase gene in Pichiapastoris and characterizing for transesterification. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2009, 159(2): 355-365. (IF=1.4)

22. Cao X, Yang J*, et al. Improving esterification activity of Burkholderiacepacia lipase encapsulated in silica by bioimprinting with substrate analogues, Process Biochem 2009, 44, 177–182.(*Correspondence author) (IF=2.4)

23. Yan JY, Yan YJ, Yang JK, et al. Combined strategy for preparation of a bioimprintedGeotrichum sp. lipase biocatalyst effective in non-aqueous media. Process Biochemistry, 2009, 44, 1128-1132. (IF=2.4)

24. Yang J K, Zhou J C. Diversity, phylogeny and host specificity of soybean and peanut bradyrhizobia. BiolFertil Soils, 2008, 44:843–851 (IF=1.7)

25. Yang J K, Yuan T Y, Zhang W T, Zhou J C, Li Y G. Polyphasic characterization of mung bean (Vignaradiata L.) rhizobia from different geographical regions of China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2008, 40: 1681–1688. (IF=3.0)

26. Yang JK, Guo D, Zhou W, et al. Cloning, expression and characterization of a novel thermal stable and short-chain alcohol tolerant lipase from Burkholderiacepacia strain G63. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2007, 45: 91-96. (IF=2.4)

27. Yan J, Yang J, Xu L, et al. Gene cloning, overexpression and characterization of a promising lipase from Galactomycesgeotrichum Y05. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2007, 49:28–35. (IF=2.4)

28. Yang J K, Zhang W T, Yuan T Y, Zhou J C. Genotypic characteristics of the rrn operon and genome of indigenous soybean Bradyrhizobia in cropping zones of China, Can, J. Microbiol. 2006, 52: 968-976. (IF=1.3)

29. Yang J K, Xie F L, Zou J, Zhou Q, Zhou J C. Polyphasic characteristics of bradyrhizobia isolated from nodules of peanut (Arachishypogaea) in China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2005, 37: 141–153 (IF=3.0)

30. Yang J K, Zhou J C. Diversity and phylogeny of BradyrhizobiumspArachis isolated from nodules of peanut in China. Source: Biological nitrogen fixation, sustainable agriculture and the environment. Book Series: Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture. Volume: 41: 411-411 Published: 2005.Editor(s): Wang YP, Lin M, Tian ZX, Elmerich C, Newton WE.

